Set up GitHub#

General workflow#

%%{init: {'theme':'base'}}%% flowchart LR subgraph PREPARATION [ preparation ] direction TB fork(fork repository)-->clone(create local clone) clone-->env_setup(environment setup) end subgraph EDIT [ editing ] direction TB code(start coding)-->commit(commit as needed) commit-->push(push to your own fork) end subgraph SUBMIT [ submission ] direction TB pr(create pull request)-->modify(edit based on our comments) modify-->commit_push(commit and push) commit_push-->merge(we merge it once ready) pr-->merge end PREPARATION-->EDIT EDIT-->SUBMIT

Setting up GitHub#

We assume that any contributor has a Github account and established a secure connection using the GITHUB_TOKEN or SSH. If you wish to set up a new account or want to know how to set up a secure connection before contributing, please see here: Getting started with Github.

Instructions for first-time GitHub users

If this is the first time you clone a GitHub repository, it’s very likely that you will need a personal access token as your password.

Option 1 - Check out this page: creating a personal access token for how to create a personal access token, and use it as your password when you are asked to enter it in the terminal.

Option 2 - Alternatively, set up SSH key and upload your public key to your GitHub account. Follow instructions in this page: Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent for how to set up SSH keys with GitHub.

Fork and clone#

  1. Navigate to the GitHub repository

  2. Click the “Fork” button on top right of the page (followed by a confirmation page with a “Create fork” button)

  3. Now you will be redirected to your own fork of Espresso, where you can freely commit changes and add your code.

    %%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base', 'gitGraph': {'showCommitLabel': false}} }%% gitGraph commit commit branch your_own_fork checkout your_own_fork commit commit checkout main merge your_own_fork commit commit
  4. Next, create a local copy of your fork of the Espresso repository using “clone” (the Github equivalent of download):

    $ git clone
    $ git remote add upstream
    $ git fetch upstream

    replacing YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT with your own account.

  5. Open your local copy (folder espresso) using your favourite editor (VSCode, Spyder, etc.). Continue with setting up development environment.