Submit on GitHub

Submit on GitHub#

Commit & push#

  1. It’s helpful to “commit” your changes when you have any progress. Feel free to make commits as often as necesary. Check this cheatsheet for a good reference of using Git.

    To commit a new contribution to the repository, we therefore recommend to use the following commands:

    $ git add contrib/<new-problem> # Adds the new folder, but no other changes
    $ git commit -m "feat: My commit message"

    Please note that we aim to use Angular style commit messages throughout our projects. Simply speaking, we categorise our commits by a short prefix (from feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test and chore).

  2. Once your changes are committed, push the commits into your remote fork:

    $ git push origin main
  3. In your remote repository under your GitHub account you should be able to see your new commits.

Raise a pull request#

  1. Now that you’ve finished the coding and editing work, open your fork on GitHub<your-gh-account>/espresso in a browser.

  2. Find the word “Contribute” on top of the page, click it and choose the green “Open pull request” button. Follow the prompts and fill in necessary message you’d like us to know.

  3. Once your pull request is submitted, some automatic checks will be triggered. Rest assured - we will review your contribution, comment if necessary, and proceed to merge your contribution into our main repository when everything’s ready.

  4. After your contribution is merged to the main branch, you can request another change with the same workflow anytime you want. Just keep your own fork, edit, commit and push to your own fork, and raise a pull request from there.

  5. Thanks again for your contribution 🌟