Set up environment

Set up environment#

Let’s now ensure that you have a correct environment set up.

Development requirements#

Python >= 3.7 is required, and see this environment_dev.yml file for a list of required packages.

We strongly recommend using a virtual environment.

Ensure you have python>=3.7.

$ python -m venv <path-to-new-env>/espresso
$ source <path-to-new-env>/<env-name>/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -r envs/requirements_dev.txt
$ virtualenv <path-to-new-env>/<env-name> -p=3.10
$ source <path-to-new-env>/<env-name>/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -r envs/requirements_dev.txt
$ conda env create -f envs/environment_dev.yml
$ conda activate esp_dev

Espresso core package#

Install Espresso core library - this enables you to access the base class for an Espresso problem EspressoProblem and some utility functions to help the development.

Run the following in your terminal, with <path-to-espresso>/ as your working directory.

$ pip install .