Source code for espresso._espresso_problem

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
import numbers

import numpy
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

def abstract_metadata_key(*names):
    """Class decorator to add one or more abstract attribute.

    def _func(cls, *names):
        """Function that extends the __init_subclass__ method of a class."""
        cls.__abstract_metadata_keys__ = names
        for name in names:
            setattr(cls, name, NotImplemented)
        orig_init_subclass = cls.__init_subclass__

        def new_init_subclass(cls, **kwargs):
                orig_init_subclass(cls, **kwargs)
            except TypeError:
            if getattr(cls, "metadata", NotImplemented) is NotImplemented:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "please define the metadata as a dictionary field in problem class"
            for name in names:
                # if getattr(cls, name, NotImplemented) is NotImplemented:
                if name not in cls.metadata:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        f"{name} is required as a metadata entry but you haven't"
                        " defined it"

        cls.__init_subclass__ = classmethod(new_init_subclass)
        return cls

    return lambda cls: _func(cls, *names)

[docs]@abstract_metadata_key( "problem_title", "problem_short_description", "author_names", "contact_name", "contact_email", "citations", "linked_sites", ) class EspressoProblem(metaclass=ABCMeta): r"""Base class for all Espresso problems. All Espresso problems shoud be a subclass of this class. Parameters ---------- example_number : int, optional The index of example you want to access. A typical Espresso problem will have several examples that have indices starting from 1. By default 1. Raises ------ InvalidExampleError when you've passed in an example number that isn't included in current problem .. rubric:: Metadata Problem-sepecific metadata include the following keys: - ``problem_title`` - ``problem_short_description`` - ``author_names`` - ``contact_name`` - ``contact_email`` - ``citations`` - ``linked_sites`` And they can be accessed through the :code:`metadata` dictionary: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from espresso import <ProblemClass> >>> <ProblemClass>.metadata["problem_title"] This is a problem about... >>> <ProblemClass>.metadata.keys() dict_keys(['problem_title', 'problem_short_description', 'author_names', 'contact_name', 'contact_email', 'citations', 'linked_sites']) .. rubric:: Required attributes Required methods and properties are guaranteed to be written by problem contributors and available for user to access. .. autosummary:: EspressoProblem.model_size EspressoProblem.data_size EspressoProblem.good_model EspressoProblem.starting_model EspressoProblem.forward .. rubric:: Optional attributes Optional methods and properties have standards but are not always implemented for each Espresso problem. Try using them or check the documentation page for each problem to figure out whether they are available. .. autosummary:: EspressoProblem.description EspressoProblem.covariance_matrix EspressoProblem.inverse_covariance_matrix EspressoProblem.jacobian EspressoProblem.plot_model EspressoProblem.plot_data EspressoProblem.misfit EspressoProblem.log_likelihood EspressoProblem.log_prior """ def __init__(self, example_number: int = 1): self.example_number = example_number self.params = dict() @property def description(self) -> str: """Returns a brief description of current example Returns ------- str A string containing a brief (1-3 sentence) description of the example. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def model_size(self) -> int: """Returns the number of model parameters Returns ------- int The number of model parameters (i.e. the dimension of a model vector). """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def data_size(self) -> int: """Returns the number of data points Returns ------- int The number of data points (i.e. the dimension of a data vector). """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def good_model(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Returns a model vector that the contributor regards as a sensible explanation of the dataset Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A model vector that the contributor regards as being a 'correct' or 'sensible' explanation of the dataset. (In some problems it may be the case that there are many 'equally good' models. The contributor should select just one of these.) It has the same shape as :attr:`model_size`. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def starting_model(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Returns a model vector representing a typical starting point for inversion Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A model vector, possibly just np.zeros(model_size), representing a typical starting point or 'null model' for an inversion. It has the same shape as :attr:`model_size`. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def data(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Returns a data vector in the same format as output by :meth:`forward` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A data vector in the same shape as :attr:`data_size` and the output from :meth:`forward` """ raise NotImplementedError @property def covariance_matrix(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Returns the covariance matrix for the data Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The covariance matrix describing any uncertainty and correlations in the data vector. The output has shape (:attr:`data_size`, :attr:`data_size`) """ raise NotImplementedError @property def inverse_covariance_matrix(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Returns the inverse data covariance matrix for the data Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The inverse data covariance matrix, in the shape (:attr:`data_size`, :attr:`data_size`) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward( self, model: numpy.ndarray, return_jacobian: bool = False ) -> numpy.ndarray: """Perform forward simulation with a model to produce synthetic data If return_jacobian == True, returns (d, G); else, returns d, where: - d : numpy.ndarray, shape(:attr:`data_size`,), a simulated data vector corresponding to the given model - G : numpy.ndarray, shape(:attr:`data_size`, :attr:`model_size`), the Jacobian such that :math:`G[i,j] = \partial d[i]/\partial model[j]` If an example does not permit calculation of the Jacobian then calling with return_jacobian=True should result in a NotImplementedError being raised. Parameters ---------- model : numpy.ndarray a model vector, in the same shape of :attr:`model_size` return_jacobian: bool a switch governing the output required Returns ------- (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) | numpy.ndarray (d, G) or d, depending on the value of return_jacobian. Details above. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def jacobian(self, model: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray: """Returns the Jacobian matrix Parameters ---------- model : numpy.ndarray a model vector, in the same shape of :attr:`model_size` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the Jacobian such that :math:`G[i,j] = \partial d[i]/\partial model[j]`, in the shape of (:attr:`data_size`, :attr:`model_size`) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def plot_model(self, model: numpy.ndarray) -> Axes: """Returns a figure containing a basic visualisation of the model Parameters ---------- model : numpy.ndarray a model vector for visualisatioin, in the same shape of :attr:`model_size` Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes A matplotlib Axes handle containing a basic visualisation of the model. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def plot_data( self, data1: numpy.ndarray, data2: numpy.ndarray = None ) -> Axes: """Returns a figure containing a basic visualisation of a dataset and (optionally) comparing it to a second dataset Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray A data vector for visualisation data2 : numpy.ndarray, optional A second data vector, for comparison with the first, by default None Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes A matplotlib Axes handle containing a basic visualisation of a dataset and (optionally) comparing it to a second dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def misfit(self, data: numpy.ndarray, pred: numpy.ndarray) -> numbers.Number: """Returns a measure of the extent to which a predicted data vector agrees with observed data Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray An observed data vector to base on pred : numpy.ndarray A predicted data vector to evaluate Returns ------- Number A measure of the extent to which a predicted data vector, ``pred``, agrees with observed data, ``data``. Smaller numbers imply better agreement; 0 -> perfect match. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def log_likelihood( self, data: numpy.ndarray, pred: numpy.ndarray ) -> numbers.Number: """Returns the log likelihood density value Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray An observed data vector to base on pred : numpy.ndarray A predicted data vector to evaluate Returns ------- Number The log likelihood that ``data`` is an imperfect observation of a system generating data ``pred``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def log_prior(self, model: numpy.ndarray) -> numbers.Number: """Returns the log prior density value Parameters ---------- model : numpy.ndarray A model vector to evaluate, shape(:attr:`model_size`) Returns ------- Number The log probability that a system is described by ``model`` prior to seeing any data. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def list_capabilities(self) -> list: """Returns a dictionary describing the capabilities of the current example Examples -------- >>> import espresso >>> r = espresso.ReceiverFunctionInversionShibutani() >>> r.list_capabilities() ['model_size', 'data_size', 'good_model', 'starting_model', 'data', 'description', 'covariance_matrix', 'plot_model', 'plot_data', 'log_likelihood', 'log_prior', 'rf', 'capability_report'] """ from .capabilities import list_capabilities return list_capabilities(self.__class__.__name__)[self.__class__.__name__]
def __getattr__(self, key): if hasattr(self, "params") and key in self.params: return self.params[key] if key in self.metadata: return self.metadata[key] else: raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{key}'" )